Surviving two
Izzy is living up to the title of Terrible Twos. Lately, she likes to use the word stupid, as in 'stupid Mommy' and 'stupid Roxie' for which she gets put in time out and could care less. She would sit in time out all day if we left her there. Izzy and Charlie often always want the same toy, book, meaningless object. The moment Izzy realizes she is losing the battle to her older and bigger brother, she will lean in and bite. Hard. We send her to time out (see above). She refuses to let me pick out her clothes, help her get dressed, brush her hair. No amount of cajoling, or threatening to throw away toys can convince her to help clean up her room at the end of the day. She will not be hurried when out and about and walks at her own (slooooow) pace. She has to put on her car seat harness "by myself!" In the car she is usually quiet, content with her fingers in her mouth and listening to Charlie talk. Other times, she will time her words to perfec...