We celebrated Gram's birthday last Friday with a family dinner. Charlie got to hang out with his Geiger cousins.

Chaos reigned after four squirmy kids got tired of sitting patiently in a busy restaurant.

Nothing Gram couldn't handle by herself...

The fun really began when the party spilled outside and Charlie stumbled upon the escalator. He discovered escalators on our trip to California and I'm pretty sure he could ride up and down all day without getting tired or bored.

Watch your step Charlie!

Even more fun, the fountain! Kids love this fountain at the Legends that shoots water on and off at random. Charlie couldn't wait to get down and check it out.

Testing the waters...

The water was pretty cold, but Charlie didn't seem to mind.

So much fun!

Cousin Mark was also enjoying the fountain...love the new glasses Mark!

Boys being boys (the irony, Macy had to leave early for t-ball practice).

I have loved being an aunt to my brother's kids for the last 7+ years. It is one of the most fun, most rewarding relationships I know. I've watched as they each learned to crawl, walk, talk, ride bikes and play ball. But with each new skill they learned, I had a slight pang of sadness that they might be too big and too grown up to know and play with the kids I hoped to have someday. But look at these three guys, I needn't have worried. Charlie, you are catching up fast and the fun has just begun!
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