A sick baby trumps everything
There is nothing worse than a sick baby. The tired eyes, runny nose, and flushed cheeks resting quietly on my shoulder are a far cry from the happy, content Izzy we know and love. And when you have a sick baby, all bets are off. Schedules, routines, work and sleep are all thrown out of whack. There is no center, no North to my day. We went to the doctor and she was given antibiotics for her ear and her sinuses, and then it was just a waiting game until she felt better and her fever went away. All I could do was hold her. And hold her I did - in the morning, at night, all through the day - in the shower, while I ate, while I attempted to fold laundry, while I read a little for work, while she was awake, while she slept. Izzy is a cuddly baby and she likes to be held a lot on a good day. When she is sick, it is like she becomes another limb, glued to my body, following and hindering my every move. We become inseperable, a singular unit caught in a haze of di...