Getting crafty

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am not crafty. We went to a birthday party Saturday morning for one of Charlie's classmates at a ceramic making place. I heard several of the moms talking about how often they go there, and how they have a stash of 50 some-odd pieces of prized ceramics at home made by their little ones. I had never heard of the place. Charlie was not especially thrilled with the activity - Ryan finished painting Charlie's monster figurine after he got squirmy and bored. And I know better than to attempt to paint something myself. I know my limits.

But the kids are always doing fun crafty things at school, and so I try. I can't seem to help myself. I'm like a stray cat that keeps going down the same alley hoping to find food, and getting in a fight instead.  Every time. And yet I just keep going back.

The grandparents had the kids Saturday night so I had some time to prepare before we picked them up. Preparation is key! I got out the paper, glue, and various baubles I had left over from previous creative attempts, and prepared to make Valentines with C and Iz.

It wasn't a complete disaster, but these attempts never seem to go as planned. Charlie and Izzy covered one piece of paper each with a gazillion stickers and they were done. I cut out hearts, gave them some ideas of how to glue things together, etc. Not interested. And yes, the adult beverage was necessary.

But I have to say, I was much more relaxed this time around about the potential mess. And that's because I came up with a GENIUS plan to contain the mess. Genius I tell you! Check it out...

This is one of Izzy's old crib sheets over our kitchen table - a perfect fit! The sheet had gotten a bit gray and I wasn't using it anymore. Now I have the perfect use for all our old crib sheets. The table was protected from marker and glue and the worst thing that happened was paper scraps got on the floor. It made the whole experience so much more relaxing. If you have a small-ish table to work with, I highly recommend you give this a try. A plastic crib mattress cover would be even better!
I may not be crafty, but I came out the champion in this creative attempt: Valentines done +  mess contained + beer consumed = Success!


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