Happy Mother's Day Weekend!

Mother's Day should be celebrated for the entire weekend, don't you think? One day is not nearly enough.

Happy Mother's Day to my incredible Mom - you are my role model and my inspiration.

Happy Mother's Day to my mother-in-law. I feel so lucky to have you in my corner and to call you family.

Motherhood is the toughest job I've had so far, and I've only just begun. But the rewards more than make up for the work and worry.

Sometimes I feel like I'm still adjusting to the title of 'Mom.' I spent 35 years figuring out who I am, what I love, what I value. Since becoming a parent five years ago, my life has been turned upside down in ways I could never have imagined. My needs and interests come second and I view the world through a different lens. I am more cautious than I ever was and I am in awe of my role as mother, teacher, and mentor. I feel the weight of their eyes always watching, observing, mimicking, and I try to be better, stronger. I try to give them what they need even though it changes daily.

They give me what I need, too - hugs, kisses, understanding, forgiveness. They teach me about happiness, joy, laughter, resiliency. I don't have this whole motherhood thing figured out, for sure - it's a role that requires a lot of on-the-job training. Sometimes the days are long, but the years go by fast. There are days when I think I'll go crazy if I hear one more "Mommy!" And yet, even on those days, I feel compelled to check on them and admire them while they sleep. They are chaos, love, joy and challenge. They redefine me and I'm glad for it. I'm thankful to be their Mom.


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