Kindergarten, one week in

The first day of Kindergarten went amazingly well. There were smiles all around, hugs, tears of joy and sadness, but overall, we made it through and felt good about our accomplishment. There is so much excitement about that first day - pictures are taken, parents are welcomed into the classroom and everyone is on cloud 9 about kindergarten. So in some ways, that first day is the easy part.

We are one week in and doing OK. Some days we're up, some days we're down. Charlie was so tired after his second day of kindergarten that he literally collapsed in a heap on the floor of the kitchen and fell asleep the minute he got home. I wanted to do the same. One week in, I have his schedule and snack calendar on the pantry bulletin board for everyone to monitor, and am getting a routine going for making lunches and filing away the myriad of school work and notices that come home each day. Charlie sets his clothes out the night before and gets dressed before breakfast. Our mornings are earlier than they used to be and Charlie has to be pulled out of bed, grumpy and tired. We've been early to school a few days, but haven't been late yet - it isn't easy to time the 10 minute window for dropping him off each day. Everything is an adjustment. Then there's after school care, I'll save my thoughts on that for another day...

Charlie still hesitates to say good bye each morning, and today there were tears. The first day he could bring his lovie - Puppy - but not anymore. Puppy has to stay home and Mom and Dad have to say goodbye at the door. Next week we are supposed to drop him off in the car line, and there is no way any of us are ready for that!

The first day of kindergarten was the easy part, and now finding a routine and getting comfortable with a new place and new people is the real challenge.  It will take time and patience and many hugs. This morning Charlie asked if we could go visit his old school soon and I think he's looking for a hug from his favorite teacher. Some days we all want to go back, even for just a little while.


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